Established September 14, 2001
Last updated April 16, 2003
The web address says it all. I may be not a perfect servant of The Lord, but I do try to be grateful for everything He has done. I know I am enormously blessed. At one time though, I had no idea just how blessed I was until early one Sunday morning in 1995.
We take too much for granted. We're quick to complain. We don't realize just how easy we have it here on earth. There is ALWAYS someone worse off than you. There are people on this planet right now who are being tortured and/or killed for their beliefs in God and their testimonies for Jesus. There are people going to bed hungry. There are people who are homeless. There are people who have no friends or family. We have no right to be whiny and unappreciative.
Although this is basically a Christian site, my testimony and other stories of inspiration could apply to anyone who has a belief in God. If anyone leaves this site feeling better and more inspired than when he/she arrived, then I have accomplished one of my goals.

I live by the concept that actions speak louder than words. There is no point in professing to be a Christian if you don't act like one. My actions are my testimony. You decide whether or not you wish to read my words.

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All graphics are (c) Michelle Mundling
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